Friday, April 13, 2007

Memorial Tent

Other chapters around the country are adding something called a Memorial Tent to their Walk. It’s a great way to honor those we have lost. Families can contribute photos, stories, etc. and we put them on display.

I mentioned the idea to Jane Durfey and she thought it would be something she would like to take on as her project. She will brainstorm on it for a bit, and present a formal proposal for this addition at our next meeting.

What are your thoughts? Do you like the idea?


Anonymous said...

I got an e-mail from Lynne C. She likes the idea, too.

Unknown said...

I like the idea of the Memorial Tent. In the first few years of the Walk, the Chapter had banners from the "ALS March of Faces" that has pALS pictures on them. Pictures can be added by the organization for a fee. Shandra, could you see if the Chapter still is in possession of these banners?

Although, be prepared...there are people that believe that this display was too morbid, they viewed it as a display of sadness and not one of honor.
Suzanne Charest

Jane Durfey said...

I would not view this as morbid, more as honorable, but I don't have ALS either. I don't want the pALS or their family members to see this tent and imagine themselves there in the next year, or two, or ten.

That said, I still want to move forward with the idea and gather feedback. If it's too unfavorable we can rethink it. For those of us who have already lost someone, it is a reminder of why we're there.
Jane Durfey

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting one.. I can see both sides of the argument... If the faces banner was current and full of pictures (vs. blank spaces), I would vote for it...

Just my two pennies...

Anonymous said...

Great work.